We started mapping our video journey with our four lanes, all going in the same direction towards the establishment of a Video Center of Excellence for your company. You may have heard me say “Content is King, and Delivery is Queen”. (Ask around, I say it a LOT). Sorry to mix metaphors on you this early, just go with me for a minute.
What that means to me is “people pay attention to good king Content. His Queen makes sure he’s seen in all the realm, and Castle Video is the seat of power.”
Every king has a champion; that person who faces the king’s challengers and protects the domain with their vision and influence. The champion is the one who draws the sword of video from the Corp Comm stone and leads the charge across all the lanes towards the goal of video excellence. This champion is our Dorothy, leading us down our Yellow Brick highway.
That’s where we’ll start in the first lane, Team Strategy.
Finding the right champion
The business of video in the enterprise requires many roles, but I believe that a video initiative will not succeed without a business champion. That role must be filled first to provide the vision and foundation for the work. If you don’t have a video department yet, that champion could be a communicator with a great passion and understanding for storytelling with video.
What makes a great champion?
Your champion will need some key leadership skills. The champion will have to build consensus across technology, corp comm and senior leadership to establish goals and secure funding and resource support. Strategic vision, an understanding of IT project management concepts, and familiarity with the ins and outs of video production shape the ideal business champion. As a former enterprise video business champion, I can help you identify and develop your champion.
In my next post we’ll talk about team building and working with other departments on your way to establishing your Video CoE.
This blog series is based on our tip sheet: 8 ways to build trust and transparency in your organization, download that today to get your enterprise video strategy off to the right start.