Kollective For Financial Services

Connect globally dispersed teams, ensure real-time updates, and optimize collaboration while maintaining the utmost security.

Financial Services Organizations Leading the Way

The world's largest Financial Institutions trust Kollective to optimize video delivery.

REINVENT Communication

Network Reliability
Eliminate network congestion and ensure seamless communication
User Experience

Boost productivity and guarantee optimal experiences for your entire workforce

Hybrid Work
Provide consistent access for employees, no matter where they're located
Security & Compliance

Maintain your security protocols and safeguard sensitive information

Security is Our Priority

Scaling content delivery should not come at the expense of your security standards. From our development methodology to our security and privacy practices, Kollective is committed to protecting the integrity of your data.

Crisis Communications

In times of crisis, such as market fluctuations or unforeseen events, financial institutions need robust virtual communications strategies to disseminate timely and accurate information. Kollective is your proactive insurance policy, guaranteeing that your teams can remain coordinated and respond quickly in any scenario.

What our Customers are saying


“Efficient video delivery to staff located on the fringes of the network was key to the requirement of the solution. Kollective was able to meet this requirement bringing communications to areas where it had not been possible before.”

Global Manager of Digital Media & AV, HSBC


“Kollective was instrumental in ensuring security and guaranteeing that our employees have an
opportunity to have their voices heard.”

Media Producer, National Bank & Insurance Group


“Now, not only can we be sure videos have been delivered, we can see how many are viewed and also, crucially, when employees stop watching. All this without any additional strain on our network or bandwidth.”

Head of Corporate Communications, NBS

All Your Collaboration and Observability in One Platform

Kollective's turn-key networking infrastructure platform offers customers the choice and flexibility to scale video delivery across all their critical front-end applications. Customers have the freedom to choose their preferred solution for any given collaboration situation, including Microsoft Teams, Cisco Webex, or any other integration.

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Start a free trial today

No Credit Card Required, no Software downloads, just a few clicks away from scaling live video delivery